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Relationships Built On Trust

Frequently Asked Business Law Questions

At Wick & Trautwein, LLC, we often hear questions from prospective and existing business owners about certain legal issues that they have encountered. We wanted to take a few moments to address some of these concerns, and explain what we can do to help. This is not to be considered legal advice for your situation, as we can provide you with a more detailed assessment of your options during a consultation with one of our attorneys.

What type of entity should I use when I form my business?

Several different factors go into determining the best type of entity for your business. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of LLCs, partnerships and other entity types so that you understand the differences. We answer your questions and explain what we feel is best for you, and help you make the decision for your future. Once you have decided what type of entity you would like, we take care of all of the formation requirements so that you can feel confident your business is ready to go.

What sort of options do I have when another business or individual breaches a contract?

This will really depend upon what has happened in your case as well as your ultimate goal. In some situations, you may need the other parties to fulfill their agreements as soon as possible to provide you with goods or services that you require in order to meet demands that you are facing. Some cases may provide you with more time to review your options and create a plan that solves these problems.

Our attorneys can help you understand what you need to do to preserve your claim and protect your bottom line. We can propose creative solutions that resolve these problems efficiently, and allow you to concentrate on serving your customers and clients.

What should I do when legal problems arise in day-to-day business matters?

You really should consult an experienced business law attorney when you are facing a difficult legal question. An attorney can review the situation and determine just how serious the problem is, and propose solutions that can help you keep the concern from becoming a much larger issue.

At our firm, our lawyers will look closely at the situation and determine the best approach to take to avoid litigation, if at all possible. We want you to be able to focus on running your company. If taking the case to court is the only way to protect your interests, know that we have over 40 years of litigation experience with business law, and understand what is necessary to achieve your specific goals.

Schedule Your Consultation

To meet with a member of our team, please call us at 970-482-4011 or send us an email. We have offices located in Fort Collins and Windsor. We offer experienced legal representation to clients throughout northern Colorado and southern Wyoming.