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Driver spins out and causes 7-vehicle collision in Colorado

by | Dec 24, 2015 | Car Accidents

A Dec. 16 report states that James Wood has survived a seven-car accident in Colorado and is counting his blessings. The actor, known for roles in “Once Upon a Time in America” and “Casino,” had been driving in Colorado when a driver in front of his spun out on the icy roadway. The driver had been speeding at around 75 mph.

Wood described the accident in detail. To avoid the dangerous driver in front of him, he hit a wall to the right. Then, his vehicle spun and hit another wall. As he was traveling at around 60 mph, his vehicle continued to move and struck a guardrail. Fortunately, that railing held, and he was able to avoid the 100-foot drop to a river that skirted the roadway.

Woods reported that six cars were piled up when he came to a stop. No one died in the accident, but he reported being hurt and having his car wrecked. Following the accident, he tweeted about the incident and sent his appreciation to the authorities and tow-truck drivers who came to the scene. The roads are dangerous, particularly in the icy winter months, and he gave them his praise.

Following accidents like this, injuries can take a toll. While Woods reports he’ll be fine after some time recovering, many others may not be so lucky. If you’re hurt because of a speeding or dangerous driver, it’s important to speak with your attorney about your options. You may be able to seek compensation that can help you get the kind of care you need to recover and rest comfortably.

Source: UPI, “James Woods survives seven-car accident in Colorado,” Sheri Elfman, Dec. 16, 2015